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Redefining Development

Degrowth: Vision of Development?

Date and location:

January 10, 2022

Studio ob 17, Prvi Radio RTV SLO


In the quest to shape sustainable society, the question arises: What kind of society do we truly desire? Does the pursuit of a soaring GDP hold the answer, or are there alternative paths worth exploring? These profound questions took center stage during our recent appearance on the radio talk show, StudioOb17h, broadcast on Radio Slovenia’s First Programme.

Debating Development: The GDP Conundrum
The conventional yardstick for measuring a country’s development has long been the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Yet, is this metric truly the most accurate reflection of a nation’s progress? In a world where resources are finite and environmental concerns paramount, Policy Lab, in collaboration with a panel of esteemed experts, delved into alternative perspectives on growth. These viewpoints emphasize the challenges associated with endless population and production expansion, and highlight the need for quality of life without undue environmental strain.

Reflections and Insights
Ajda Pistotnik, co-founder of Policy Lab, was one of the guests of the discussion alongside host Špela Novak. Other panelists included:
• Dr. Janez Potočnik, Co-Chair of the International Resource Forum.
• Dr. Lidija Živčič, Focus – Association for Sustainable Development.
• Dr. Sašo Polanec, Professor at the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana.
• Dr. Mitja Žagar, Scientific Adviser at the Institute for Ethnic Issues, and Professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences in Ljubljana and at the University of Primorska.

Studio at 17.00 show: Where Ideas Converge
The Studio at 17.00, a daily radio talk show, follows a roundtable format to facilitate open, insightful dialogues on pressing issues. It is a unique platform within the Slovenian radio landscape that fosters intellectual exchange and addresses matters of relevance.

We invite you to listen to the thought-provoking discussion on development concepts and degrowth, available at StudioOb17h Radio Show. Discover the diverse viewpoints that challenge the traditional notions of growth, and join us in reimagining a future where society thrives in harmony with our finite planet: